Effraim at Flat-Matters just dropped this on me and my brain exploded. Bizhouse dropped this quick clip giving you a sneak peek at their “Ratchet”… system? No description, no real information but what I’ve gathered from this video is this.
They’re working on either a sprocket or some sort of bottom bracket that works like a ratchet wrench would work. When you pedal forward it engages and allows you to pedal, but when you are not putting forward pedal pressure on it, it allows you to freely roll backwards without pedaling. Similar to how if you are tightening a nut, you wrench and then pull it back to reset and tighten more.
Essentially this allows you to run a freecoaster without having to replace your rear hub.
I’m not going to lie, this is blowing my mind. Effraim is going to try and get a few answers out of Sean at Bizhouse about this one, so hopefully we can get some answers here soon.
What do you guys think?