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Subrosa – Fakie News: Ask Subrosa with Simone Barraco


Want to get to know Simone Barraco a little better? Here’s a video for you!

The latest Fakie News from Subrosa mixes things up! This time around they’ve decided to sit down with Simone Barraco in “Barcelona” to have Simone answer YOUR Instagram questions. Well, maybe not yours, but the questions people sent in when Ryan Sher asked people to send in questions. Hit play and get to know Simone a little bit better!

The “Ask Subrosa” Interview with Simone Barraco.

A few weeks ago we posted on our Instagram that we wanted our fans and followers to ask Subrosa pro rider Simone Barraco a few questions to get to know him better.

I hopped on a plane to Barcelona and sat down with Simone on his favorite beach. Check it out!

Subrosa “Fakie News” will be your chance to stay up to date with all the latest Subrosa news! Each episode will contain team rider updates, new products features, viewer questions, funny videos, events and jam calendar, rider interviews, deals and specials in our web store and more!”

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