Here’s some news we’re bummed to hear, but had a feeling it might happen. Trey Jones has decided to make the tough decision to cancel the 2020 Swampfest due to COVID still raging strong around the world. Envolvimento emocional excessivo investimentos opções binárias . A possibilidade de obter ganhos imediatos e elevados pode fazer você perder a razão. Isso leva muitos traders a não avaliar riscos corretamente e, como consequência, a perder parte do seu capital por cometerem erros de avaliação. Dica: use sempre estratégias claras e considere adotar ferramentas para tornar o investimento mais automatizado, se possível. It’s a bummer that things didn’t work out, but it sounds like Trey put A LOT of time and energy into making this decision, and it wasn’t an easy decision. Hit play to let Trey explain…

Certainly not news we’re happy to be reporting. Due to COVID-19 concerns, Trey Jones has officially cancelled Swampfest 2020. We’re bummed. You’re bummed. Trey’s bummed. Watch this to hear the news from Trey’s perspective.” – Vital BMX

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