Intro: Kurt Hohberger
Words and Photos: Cody York
There’s no denying that one of the biggest things pushing the growth of BMX is the exposure of it online through web videos. Years ago, it was pretty difficult to produce an edit. Filming on tapes, capturing each clip, editing and then finding a hosting site to upload the video to was always a bitch. Who remembers having to actually download the video to your computer before you could watch it?
Over time, technology has progressed amazing with cameras and computers which has made it a whole lot easier for people to film, edit and distribute their videos for everyone to see. One brand in particular, GoPro has been simplifying things and making it affordable for everyone to get their riding filmed and put out on the internet for everyone to see.
A few months back, GoPro released their latest version of their camera, the Hero 3, which produces some high definition footage at frame rates that can look like it was filmed on a high end camera if done right.
Cody York recently got his hands on one of the new Hero 3’s and decided to put together a quick write up of why he’s stoked on the camera. Check out a few more photos and words along with a few videos that give you a look at the quality!