Dave Raffa

Breaking Free Skatepark – Quarantined

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hwy8FYdsnHM Unfortunately due to the Coronavirus, the Breaking Free Skatepark, and a ton of other parks, have been temporarily closed…

5 years ago

LFS At Breaking Free Skatepark

The LFS crew have finally had enough of the cold weather, so they decided to head over to Rochester, New…

8 years ago

3rd Shift – Boston To Rochester

Some of the 3rd Shift crew decided to pack up their bikes and take a little road tip on out…

9 years ago

“Roc Bottom” – Friends Section and John Bechtold

DIG keeping the sections from the "Roc Bottom" video flowing. Check out the friends section followed up by some heavy…

9 years ago

“Roc Bottom” – Dave Raffa Section

It's always rad seeing the guys who are putting together a full-length BMX video actually get a full section in…

9 years ago

“Roc Bottom” – Matt Smith, Nate Stahura and Peter Knapp

Another section from the "Roc Bottom" video for you to enjoy featuring some of Rochester, New York's finest putting in…

9 years ago

“Roc Bottom” – Intro

Here's the intro for a new full-length video that Dave Raffa has been busy producing called "Roc Bottom" that will…

9 years ago

Breaking Free 2013 Mixtape

Breaking Free 2013 Mixtape from Dave Gnar Raffa on Vimeo. The Breaking Free mixtape is a real treasure right now,…

11 years ago

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