S&M‘s new French connection, John Garcia, has a bike check up on the Frenchy’s Distribution website with a few rad riding flicks. Take a peek!
S&M – John Garcia Welcome Edit
Frenchy’s Tour – Meeting V2
This past summer, Frenchy’s Distribution invited Max Charveron, Nico Badet, Ben Gea, John Garcia, Julien Masse, Georgy Doremus, Adrien Lecomte and Hoang Tran out to meet and ride together. Here’s 8 minutes of goodness from what they accomplished in their time together.
Frenchy’s Tour – Meeting V2. – Teaser
Frenchy’s Distribution pulled together a real good crew from the brands they represent this past summer. They hit the road on a trip to film and I can’t imagine with the line up they fell anywhere short of awesome. This video is the teaser of what I hope is the soon to be released edit from the trip…
“It was this summer… Here is the teaser…
Featuring, Max Charveron (WTP, ECLAT), Nico Badet (FIT, ODYSSEY), Ben Gea (CULT, ALMOND), John Garcia (S&M, ODYSSEY, ALMOND), Julien Masse (MONGOOSE), Georgy Doremus (SUBROSA, SHADOW), Adrien Lecomte (MUTINY, SHADOW) and HOANG TRAN (SUBROSA, ODYSSEY).
Filmed/Edited by Thibaut Grevet from thediggest.com/blog/ Directed by Lilian from frenchys-distribution.com/ .
Thumbnail pic by Lilian.”
S&M – John Garcia – Video Soon
BMX Street Station 2011 Photogallery
The 2011 BMX Street Station contest went down this past weekend. If you head over the the Frenchy’s site, you can check out some rad photos by Loic Benoit. I’d imagine a few edits will be popping up from the event soon as well.
Cult – Ben Gea
Shadow Conspiracy – Georgy Doremus – Prefab Session
The Shadow Conspiracy dropped this new edit of Georgy Doremus shredding his local prefab park over in France. So awesome.
Filmed and edited by Benjamin Richer