It’s weird to think how as you get a little older, boring things like politics and economics start becoming interesting. I’ve recently been hearing more and more things that lead me to believe that production in the U.S is coming back. Now, that might not matter to most of you who don’t have your license, a job or pay for your own parts, but it’s a good sign that someday, you might not have to worry about what you are going to do for a job and that you won’t have to hear depressing news on TV everyday about how “they” took our jobs. After reading why Sunday chooses production in Taiwan on ESPN as a response to another article on ESPN about the cost difference between U.S and Taiwan made frames, Matt Coplon and I began discussing the perks to Profile and Madera being made in the U.S versus Taiwan, and how because of this, they are creating around 25 jobs for people between the in-house employees, freelance and outsourced help. Let’s take a closer look at what it takes to run an in-house production BMX brand in the U.S…
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Melbourne & Lakeland Street Sessions
“Profile riders Jeff Klugiewicz, Trent McDaniel, Matt Coplon, and Mark Mulville were in town and where able to make it out to ride some street in Lakeland and Melbourne, Florida. They found a bunch of great spots to ride and got a lot done in a small amount of time.” -Brett Rohlfing
Filmed by Brett Rohlfing and Jeff Harrington.
Edited by Brett Rohlfing.
Ride BMX
SPoT Roast Jam Preview
You will NOT want to miss this one…
“Skatepark of Tampa is putting on a BMX contest on Saturday, October 29, 2011. Here is some information on SPoT, the contest and Tampa. Mixed in are some good clips of a small portion of the locals in the area. Its going to be an awesome time! Check for all the updates.” – Jeff Harrington
Profile New England Road Trip Edit
This past summer, Profile sent Jeff K, Chad DeGroot, Mark Mulville, Mike Miester, Conall Keenan, Tony Cardona and Matt Coplon on the road to New England. They came back with a two part video that Tony Malouf filmed and edited. You can check out part one on The Come Up now.
“A collection of clips with the following characters: Trent McDaniel, Tom Villarreal, Conall Keenan, Matt Coplon, Cody Belcher, Scott Ehlert, James Mowery, Dean Watson, Spencer Foresman, Shaun Gomez, and Mike DiNello. Music: The Black Angels – Sunday Afternoon” – Scott Ehlert
DIG – Issue 84 – Profile in Florida Edit
More BMX Videos
“The Profile team head to Florida in search of the little known sasquatch of the swamps and get some riding in at the same time. For full coverage from the trip check DIG issue 84.
Profile New England Trip Recap
Last week, the Profile team made a trip to a bunch of shops in the New England area. They’ve got a ton of photos from each stop that you can check out. Providence / Circuit, Eastern Boarder, Dick Maul’s, Daily Grind, Fat Trax and Tony’s. I’d imagine there will be an edit coming from this trip as well. So keep your eye out for that.
Insight: Profile Aegis Hub Guard
The Union was able to meet up with Matt Coplon from Profile Racing to check out the Aegis Hubguard. The new design looks real good and Matt shows how well it works on a nice uprail. Check out the full specs and more photos after the jump.
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