It’s not every day that we get a fresh BMX video from Ryan “Biz” Jordan, but when we do… It’s always filled with fire! Ryan has been busy stacking clips with Calvin Kosovich for something special for quite a while and this is the final result. If you aren’t hitting play on this by now… You need to be slapped.
“The idea of the full section, or the “Pro Part”, is something we’ve seen shift with time. As physical DVDs dwindle, more and more professional riders are taking to the web as the next best means to showcase the fruits of their labor. As much as the day to day IG video, or quick street/plaza session-edit has to offer, there’s still something unmatched by the full section formula, consisting of months of blood, sweat, and pain… Ryan “Biz” Jordan has been around for over a decade, he’s invented tricks, placed at major contests, and most importantly he’s filmed countless epic video parts over the span of his lengthy professional career… So who better to kick of this onslaught of “Pro Part’ sections? Sit back, relax, and enjoy these 3 minutes of destruction that Biz cooked up with nomadic Australian lensman Calvin Kosovich.” – Ride BMX
“Filming with Biz for this project was pretty relaxed I’m basically living on his couch so we could get up and ride any day of the week as long as the spot was weekday friendly. No injuries just good old fashioned clips for this part which was a nice change for what we do on a daily basis. I guess we filmed for like 6 months, I was in Australia for a month in between the filming process so there was a little break as for that it was pretty consistent film days. For those who don’t know, Biz is older than most Pro’s still riding at this high level so it was impressive to see and film these clips with him. It is with much honor to put this together for the world to see, many years ahead with Biz in our industry I’m sure of it. This is what a Pro Bmx rider looks like, don’t forget it.” – Calvin Kosovich