After a little hiatus of videos from Bas Keep and the Tall Order crew, we find out just why. It turns out the crew loaded up for a trip after NASS to bounce around to a handful of trails spots, skateparks and surfing spots, yeah, you read that right. Above and below are 4 videos giving you a look at what they got into during the trip!

With Corey Bohan flying over from L.A to the U.k to ride NASS and stay a while we decided to go on the road for a few days in search of a man made wave in Wales and to ride Trails along the way.
In this episode we start out the trip in Hastings , build up some new ‘tall orders’ and hit some decent and fun trails! Featuring Corey Bohan, Matt Harris, Oliver Jack Jones, and Sebastian Keep.

In this episode we travel from Hastings to London to ride with jack Clark .We drive to Wales in search of a huge mechanical man made wave. We surf the wave get barrelled and watch a man get inside a lake in Wales without a wet suit on. Featuring Corey Bohan, Matt Harris, Sebastian Keep, Mike King and Jack Clark.

In this Episode we arrive in Cambridge at Matt Priests house. Oli turns up out of the blue! We then ride a rad skatepark in Bury and Oli, Jack and Matt kill it!
Featuring Corey Bohan, Matt Harris, Sebastian Keep, Jack Clark, and Oliver Jones

In this final episode of our trip we ride the amazing Woodyard Trails in Cambridge! Oli overcomes his fear of riding trails! Matt and Corey kill it! Jack does a wild 180 barspin, Dave does one of the biggest 360’s ever done at Woodyard and we finish the trip with a big BBQ


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