
There’s no denying that Dean Dickinson loves pools more than pretty much every rider, so it wasn’t a complete surprise that he had another pool party to celebrate his birthday! Here’s a look at what went down at this years pool party that had a few Pros, legends, weekend warriors and more turn out for the session. This spot looks super fun and it’s safe to say everyone had a good time! Take a peek!

On January 7th, 2017 TEAM SHRALP powered through an EPIC snowstorm and hosted Dean Dickinson’s birthday bash as DEAN’S DIRTY 31 POOL PARTY. INVITE ONLY pool party session at Dave Tobin’s private indoor concrete bowl. Featuring 31 of the best Pacific Northwest pool shredders! Riders battled it out for high air, best trick, and the “Shred Boner Award.” Featuring: Ryan Barrett, Andy Merrall, Jamie Jacobson, Jimmy “Wildcard” Cogan, Nick Vergillio, Slade Scherer, Mike Sheldon, John Battreal, & more!
SPECIAL THANKS: Pabst Blue Ribbon, Bone Deth, Subrosa, Shadow Conspiracy, Rant, Odyssey, Filmed By Bike Film Festival, Backward Messages, See See Motor Coffee, Sandy Hut, World Shaker, & Death Ray Moto.
FILMED BY: Mark Rainha, Mike Sheldon, AJ Schiefelbein, & Dean Dickinson
EDITED BY: Dean Dickinson
MUSIC BY: The Dogs 77
“Gotta Tell Her”
“Church Mouse”
” – Team Shralp

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