Although the annual Boardroom trip was caught up in more moisture than hoped for, they still managed to make the best of the situation and come out on top with a rad video from the nice weather they did come across. This gives you a look at the riding that went down along with a little look into what they got into off their bikes as well! Good vibes for sure!

The annual Boardroom Holiday is one of my favourite times of year.
Get the lads together, buy a load of disposable BBQ’s, a couple of beverages and hop in the motors.
This year’s trip was supposed to go up the East coast, around the North Coast and end up in Donegal…
However, it rained… A LOT. The first two days were marred by torrential downfall, so much so that the usual “stuck in the car for hours” blues were even worse than usual. We drove in every direction on day two, only to be met by rain EVERYWHERE, it almost ended with some people considering going home.
Thankfully the Barstool Crew came through with the welcome news that the West was dry…
Not only was it dry, but it was hot. Result.
We did our usual guerrilla camping, a small fire, some beers and some food (cleaning up after ourselves at every spot, because we’re responsible, loveable rogues). In the end we made the most of the remaining handful of days on the trip and got fairly familiar with Galway. Good times.
This year was slightly different in that a few of the regular faces were absent, due to conflicting holidays/emmigration, but it was still amazing. We got to travel with some of the new additions to the Boardroom team and a few mates who we’d never gone on a trip with. Different is good though, we had an amazing time.
Hopefully you enjoy the video, I hope it reflects the good time we had.
MAJOR thanks to our friends – Enemies – for letting us use their song “Indian Summer” for this video. You can check out more of their amazing music HERE –
The crew –
Conor Winters, Barry Smyth, Jake Ryan, Ryan Aylward, Errol Flanagan, Jesse Mooney, Eoin Shiel, Michael Haran, Derek Johnson and Graham Glitter Glennon.

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