
It’s been entirely too long since we’ve seen Roman Tencza’s name pop up! The Community Project caught up with him to spend a day surfing and riding recently and this video is what came from the day! Needless to say, this is rad!

The TRIF3CTA from the Community Project showcases 1 rider and 3 spots in 1 day. No going back, no do overs. Each spot is sessioned and left…onto the next spot. What we get is what we get.
For Roman’s TRIF3CTA we decided to shake it up a little. The day started at 6am as we drove from Portland to his first spot, Cannon Beach, Oregon, for a little surf action. After Cannon Beach we headed to Tigard Skatepark where the sun was blazing and the cement waves were breaking. The day ended over 12 hours later at the Meldrum Bar trails. A full day by any measure.
” – The Community Project

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