Categories: blog

Threads – Vol. 1


Bikeguide BMXBikeguide BMX

Threads? For a long time now, I’ve been wanting to start a feature with Bikeguide where I highlight a few of the latest threads that have opened up a bit of discussion. If you have been around BMX for a while, there’s a good chance you’ve spent a little time cruising through the board to see all the different threads on there. Between all the BMX, cars, motorcycles, girls, news related and funny threads that are constantly popping up, it’s easy to get sucked into checking out everything that’s going on over there. It’s a good place to find out about something you didn’t know about or even get a question answered you might not have been able to find elsewhere. For this first round, I’ve decided to pick two recent threads that I found pretty interesting for you guys to check out and possibly get in on if you have an account or would be up for creating your own account (Don’t worry… It’s FREE).

First up, we have the “What Happened To…” thread that Josss fired up asking where Dylan Smith and Scott Maylon have been since they decided to step out of the BMX light. Since then, it has lead to a bunch of different names like Eli Platt, Dave Young, Josh Heino, Shawn Arata and more! It’s a pretty interesting read with what kind of info people have on the guys and some of the rumors that have popped up.

The second new thread worth checking out this time around is TenPack Distro Belly Up. Yesterday, Tenpack Distribution up in Canada announced to their dealers that they will be shutting down in July and liquidating their entire inventory from the 28 brands they supply the country’s shops with. This one is a pretty interesting one since it was an unexpected announcement and I’d imagine will shake things up for the BMX industry in Canada.

These are just two of thousands of threads you could spend hours digging through. Hit up to take a look!

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