
Screen Shot 2014-06-20 at 4.08.03 PMScreen Shot 2014-06-20 at 4.08.03 PM

It’s that time of the week again where we head over to Bikeguide and check out some of the latest threads that have been getting a bunch of discussion lately. We’ve gone through and picked out two that have been getting quite a bit of attention as of late. This week we have picked out Fiend’s New Video and the Bikeguide Cookbook threads for you to get a look at!

First up is the “Fiend’s New Video” thread that has everyone giving their thoughts on the video that shook the BMX world yesterday. There’s a lot of people who were stoked on the video and somehow even a few that weren’t. Get some people’s perspectives on the video by checking out the thread in the link below! You can watch the full Fiending video by CLICKING HERE!

Thread: Fiend's New Video

Photo Jun 04, 6 16 03 PMPhoto Jun 04, 6 16 03 PM

The second thread for this week is one that I think you will have a hard time not wanting to eat something after checking out. The “Bikeguide Cookbook” has a bunch of pages of peoples favorite recipes along with a few photos (like that one above) that will either inspire you to make something new or just make you hungry for anything. Well worth checking out!

Thread: Bikeguide Cookbook

These are just two of the thousands of threads on Bikeguide! Hit up the forum and take a look around. I’m sure you will find something that catches your interest. Plus, it’s FREE to become a member, so get on it!

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