

It’s that time of the week again where we check in with Bikegude to get a look at some of the threads that are popping up! This week we’ve picked out two that are worth checking out for the BMX and car guys out there!

First up, we have the UNDERRATED BMX PRODUCTS thread where there’s some discussion going on about past products that seemed to have flown under the radar even though they were or are damn good. Primo Balance, Fly Cobra Tubes, the Taj 2 tire… Take a look RIGHT HERE!


Next up we have the long lived (662 pages long lived) Post Your Car/Truck/Motor Vehicle thread that is loaded with photos of members cars, some of the modifications they are working on or just something rad they came across. This one will suck you in because they have everything from dialed VW’s like the one above to jacked up trucks and “junkers” that have a lot of love in them. Take a look at that thread RIGHT HERE!

That’s just two of the thousands of threads up on Bikeguide, so why don’t you head over to Bikeguide.org and have a look around. It’s FREE to sign up and always a good time.

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