

It’s about that time we head over to Bikeguide to check out some of the fresh threads they have going on! This week we have picked out two in particular that you might be interested in checking out because they have to do with beer and the new Keychain from Odyssey!

If you have been considering getting your hands on the new Keychain from Odyssey or you just want to know more about it, I’d highly suggest you check out the Odyssey Keychain thread that fired up last week when the chain was released. In the thread they talk about everything from the use of a chain breaker to if it will fit on certain bikes, master links, strength, installation and more! Well worth a look!

Thread:Odyssey Keychain


The next thread is for all the beer lovers out there. The Post The Beer You’re Enjoying thread is for all the beer connoisseurs that are looking for new beers to try or just to learn a little bit more about some of the options that are available around the world. This is 76 pages of beers of all kinds. I’d imagine it would be hard for you to find something you don’t want to try!

Thread: Post The Beer You're Enjoying

That’s just two of the threads we picked out from the thousands that Bikeguide has to offer. Hit up the forum to see what else it has to offer. I guarantee you will find something that interests you inside! Plus, you can sign up to be a member for FREE! Get on it!

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