
It’s always interesting when a rider decides to change things up for a new challenge or just to skake up their riding in general. Tim Schoberth decided to mix things up and take his pegs off to see what he could do on his bike without them. Here’s a look at what went down as he went from 4 pegs down to none over the course of the edit. Based on what we’re seeing, it looks like his tricks changed up a bit but it did, in our opinion, also seem to add a little more style to his riding. Take a look!

Grindstangen, yes or no? Tim Schoberth has long pondered this question. After a long back and forth, the member of the canceled crew now seems to have decided. But read for yourself:

“I had a couple of different miniDV camcorders in my possession since last year, so it was only natural to film a complete video in SD. At the beginning of the year I read Tom Wolfe’s book ‘The Electric Kool Aid Acid Test’ about psychedelic Bustrip read by Ken Kesey, which inspires all the trippy visuals in the video, I really couldn’t decide for a long time whether my Pegs should stay on or Pegless is the ‘right way’, but now it is final goes on without tricks.Thanks to David Schaller, Artur Meister and Valle Seuss for filming, the whole canceled crew, to everyone I cycled with in 2019 and to everyone who supports me, you know who you are! I have a couple of different miniDV camcorders in my possession, so it made sense to film a complete video in SD At the beginning of the year I read Tom Wolfe’s book The Electric Kool Aid Acid Test about psychedel The bus trip was read by Ken Kesey, which inspired all the trippy visuals in the video. I really couldn’t decide for a long time whether my pegs should stay on or pegless is the “right way”, but now it’s probably final. The trip continues without tricks. Thanks to David Schaller, Artur Meister and Valle Seuss for filming, the whole canceled crew, to everyone I cycled with in 2019 and to everyone who supports me. You know who you are! “- Tim Schoberth

Camera: Artur Meister, David Schaller, Valentin Seuss
Editor: Tim Schoberth” – Freedom BMX

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