
Here’s some trails gold we just spotted over on Can You Dig It from the Valley View Trails jam that went down last week down in Australia. Not only are these trails super dialed, they have a shed with a bunch of ramps… Mix in a big ass fire, plenty of beers and a bunch of dudes looking for a good time and you have yourself one hell of a good time. Hit play to check out some of the highlights from the riding to the antics that went down off the bikes. So good. James Fox crushed it with this one!

10:00pm last Thursday night Weexy and Jonny picked me up after driving from Brisbane for 9 hours! We then left my house in the Hunter Valley, got on the cans nearly hit a wombat, nearly lost Jonny through the windscreen, shattered his window and then eventually arrived at Wills house in Young at 6:00am the next morning as Will was about to head to work. Got an hours sleep until Will ended up knocking on the window because he got rained out of work. Smashed out a berm, got more beer and then the weekend of mayhem had started. Who would of thought after 200mm’s of rain the day before, 2 days later tires would be hitting dirt. Plenty of beers, mini ramp sessions, laps, good times, shit talking, explosions, and good/bad ideas were consumed!! Cheers Legends!!!
Filmed and Edited – James Fox
Additional Footage – B-Dog (Brendan Boeck)
Featured Riders/Good Times Crew: Jonny McKellar, Timmy Weeks, Brendan Boeck, Will Gunn, Willbur Kerr, Tyson Jones-Peni, Brad Wright, Matthew Waudby, Angus Samson, Chris Harti, Russell Brindley, Doug Underhill, Rhys WIlliams, Rykie Hill-Wright, Tom Boorman, Chris Kerr, Rob Bennet, and any one else I forgot sorry I’m still drunk.
Might be the last web video in awhile, specials things to come in the future….. Cheers.
” – James Fox

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