Verde X Dan’s Comp Custom Bike Giveaway


In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness month, Dan’s Comp and Verde have teamed up for an awesome way to raise money for the cause and a chance for you to win a custom Verde bike. For $5, you can buy this special edition sticker pack with three Dan’s Comp stickers (which includes one 3″ pink ribbon sticker, one 8″ pink sticker and one 8″ white sticker) and automatically be entered to win this custom, one-of-one, black and pink Verde Luxe Complete bike (which retails for $749.99!). All proceeds go directly to Breast Cancer research. For $5, you get stickers and a chance to win a really nice bike that is truly one of a kind!
More info at

For the full rules for this Click Here.
To purchase the sticker pack and get entered to win the bike Click Here.

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