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Volume Bikes – Limited Edition Aluminum Bar Ends


Is it time for some new Bar Ends? We all know the importance on bar ends from how they can protect your bars to preventing you from cutting somebody wide open when you collide. The crew over at Volume Bikes have re-released a limited edition run of their aluminum bar ends with the CNC machined Volume logo and two small grub screws to keep them locked in place. They are available in White only with a price tag of $10.99 through BMX shops and mail-orders that carry Volume or on the Volume website. We would imagine these will go quick, so get on ’em while they’re hot.

Volume Bikes Barends BMXVolume Bikes Barends BMX

You can find a Volume logo wrapped around with the grub screw hole as the “o” in Volume. Clean and simple. Can’t go wrong with that combo!

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