
The annual Wethepeople Autumn Session at the Trier park over in Germany always looks like a good time and this year is no different! Here’s a look at what went down during the jam that drew out a ton of familiar faces and a few new ones who threw down all over the park. Hit play and check out a bunch of highlights in this video from Freedom BMX!

Here is our video of the wethepeople Autumn Session 2017 in the project X Skatehalle Trier with all sorts of contemporary grindsport maneuvers (including a potential NBD by Dennis Erhardt) and a shot ramp action, for which the Zuppermarket-Local Marcel Gans is responsible. And then there would be Leon Hoppe’s application for the German BMX freestyle park Olympiakader and Tom Schorb-Mergenthaler with a courageous end, which was already on our Instagram page (@freedombmx_mag). But because the end of the clip is quite funny, we just re-distributed it at this point.

Video: The Medialist
2. Camera: Lukas Häusler and Axel Reichertz

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