
Wethepeople have been putting some more emphasis on their AM squad lately to give them a little more shine. They realized that a lot of their guys have never actually met and rode with each other, so they brought together Felix Prangenberg and Jordan Godwin with AM’s Tom Weikert, Dan Banks and Wiktor Skibinski, Nico Van Loon and Giano Vacca for some riding. They even got Max Gaertig in on the action which is awesome to see. Hit play to see what these guys threw down during a very productive meet up in Cologne! You already know this is too good to miss!

WeThePeople sent three of their three rookie AM riders to their home city of Cologne, Germany to meet each other for the first time, hang with Wethepeople PRO’s Felix Prangenberg and Jordan Godwin and film a banger of a video. Featuring Tom Weikert, Dan Banks and Wiktor Skibinski, and Wethepeople family riders Max Gaertig, Nico Van Loon and Giano Vacca.

Filmed and edited by David Schaller. – Wethepeople