
Matthias Dandois teamed up with Red Bull on a new Podcast series called “What Does It Take“. To Kick things off, Matthias sat down with Danny Macaskill to get his story from how he got his Pro career started way back in 2009 on up through what he has going on today. Obviously Danny is a MTB / Trials guy, but we know a ton of BMX guys who are into what he’s doing. Hit play and give this a listen since it’s a good one. Obviously with the two different accents it’s a little tricky at times, but otherwise it’s a real good listen. Check it!

For the first episode of the What Does It Take podcast, I went to London to meet Danny Macaskill. We sat down to talk about Danny growing up in Scotland, being a bike mechanic, having success from one day to another, trying tricks hundreds of time, having multiple injuries, spending days to film a trick, working on the craziest projects, dealing with fear.

Listen to the WDIT podcast


I also spent the day riding and having lots of fun with Danny in London.

Watch the video here:


Edited By: Pierre Blondel and Maniac Studios
Produced by: ASI Media Events

Thanks to RedBull Studio London

Special Thanks: Fujifilm France” – Matthias Dandois

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