Here’s a really rad mix from the crew around Wimborne over in the U.K! This video features a bunch of different BMX riders and skateboarders getting down on skateparks, backyard ramps and a few street spots. This has a really laid back, weekend warrior vibe to it and it’s really good. This isn’t nibbler jibbler ledge edits and freecoasters… It’s just about having fun and if this doesn’t make you want to get out and ride, something is wrong! Enjoy!

WiNborne 2016 BMX / Skate / Pubtopia.
Win + Wimborne = WiNborne…… get it?
Not for profit / Just for fun.
Filmed and edited by SteevCVM

Starring: Phil Aller, Olby Noscoe, Spencer Lee, Rob Ridge, Lewis Trew, Tom Lawson, Jack Colley, Paul Jeffries, SteevCVM, Damian Allinson-Roughton, Joel Dunsdon, Steve Bancroft, Tommy Fachiri, Keegan Walker, Dan Collier, Pilvi Pirinen, Oli Banks, Parma, Alex Wells, Steve Hibbit & Anthony Pill“

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