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X Games Podcast – Brad Simms “Have Bike, Will Travel”


The X Games Podcast series continues! This time around Brad Simms sits down to talk about everything from moving to Austin, Texas, what he’s been doing during the COVID shutdowns, to traveling all around the world, filming a ton of wild clips for Instagram and other projects lately and more. Brad is always a super interesting dude to listen to, so get on that play button to take it all in!

Since the beginning of BMX Street at X Games, Brad Simms was on the invite list. But as Brad’s interests in traveling grew, Brad started putting competitions on the back burner and focused on video. Then quarantine hit and suddenly, Brad Simms was stuck in one place to film: Austin, Texas. Then he took to Instagram and made 2020 the year of Brad, This is Brad Simms.” – X Games

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