Zwanzig Zoll – Leon Binckebanck Edit

Always psyched on the videos the Zwanzig Zoll guys are putting out! Leon Binckebanck might have a hard name to spell, but it’s easy to see this guy is a shredder! Check him out putting his big bag of tricks to work at Mellowpark!

There are people who drive BMX and there are people who live BMX ! Leon is one of the latter and it is time to see each an experience to drive it . It seems almost as if he was not practicing his tricks , he makes it easy and mostly they also succeed . Admittedly it is sometimes scary to watch him but especially in the last few years he has become quite slowly to a seasoned knitting machine . We met with the Mellow Park Local and trick fireworks turned off which is impressive . Here comes : Leon Binckebanck , Mellow Park Local , Gefahrensucher and parts destroyer on the way to the top ! Ladies and gentlemen enjoy the show !!
Edit: Björn ” Bommel ” Mager

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