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Adidas Five Ten – “Endless Possibilities” Team Mix


Here’s a new mixtape that Adidas Five Ten released that features their bike squad going to work on trails, snow, ramps, street and more. This is mostly big bike stuff, but Brad Simms has a section that starts at the 7 minute mark just after Danny Macaskill‘s section. As expected, Brad put in work out in the streets and cooked up some great clips. There’s a few you might have seen on his Instagram and a few new ones. Take a look!

Check in with an all star line up in the latest team video from adidas Five Ten starring: Danny MacAskill, Darren Berrecloth, Vero Sandler, Martin Søderstrøm, Thomas Genon, Kenny Belaey, Brad Simms and Hans Rey.

With a little creativity there are Endless Possibilities right on your doorstep.

In the spring of 2020, countries across Europe and North America found themselves in nationwide lockdowns with restrictions imposed on national and international travel and limits on the number of people able to gather indoors and out. We all had to change the way we went about our lives.

‘Endless Possibilities’ put the creative in the hands of 8 global adidas Five Ten athletes who were sent personal handheld video cameras and still cameras to their home. The brief was simple, to document their riding first-hand, showcase what riding means to them and what they can achieve right out of their front door.

Take inspiration from the Endless Possibilities crew, share your creativity and what riding means to you with #EndlessPossibilties and #BrandOfTheBrave. From cruising the streets to your local woods, your backyard to the skatepark, with a little creativity there are endless possibilities right on your doorstep.
” – Five Ten

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