
Check out Brian Tunney’s best footage from 2023!

Over the course of 2023, Brian Tunney has released his monthly edits giving us a look at what he’s been getting into during his garage flatland sessions. To wrap up the year, he’s gone through all of that footage and pulled out the best clips and put it together for this new edit! Plenty of dialed riding that’s well worth a look, plus he put in a song from a band you probably haven’t heard of before. Check it out!

Here we are at the end of 2023, and altogether, I think I filmed over a half hour of footage the past year. When I add in a full-time job and the responsibilities of being well, responsible, it’s not too shabby of an amount of riding. In fact, it’s probably the most footage I’ve compiled in a year in all of my time riding since the mid ’80s.

Of course, most of it was fun to do, but not really ‘best of’ material. So I went through each month, made a list, and then whittled it down to almost 7 minutes of footage. Aside from three clips, it’s all garage-based. And the overarching theme is no longer undertakers (though there are a bunch). I’ve been in more of a rolling mood the past year, and this footage definitely reflects that.

Here’s why: Over a decade ago, I had really great, very long spot to ride at in Jersey City and my riding started to become long rolling combs in a straight line. When I first started riding at home in the garage, I hadn’t even really thought of trying to roll in there because I was hung up on rolling in straight lines. Stupid me eventually figured out I could roll in circles and that’s what most of this year became. What I lack in common sense, I make up for with this year’s selection of jugglers, one-handed jugglers, jugglers to invisible hand to juggler, and other assorted nonsense.

As the year comes to a close, I’m sunlighting the monthly riding video series and gonna focus on less is more in the new year. I’ve loved the challenge of making a video once a month, but it has veered into “obligation” territory lately and that was never the purpose of it. So with that, happy holidays, merry new year, and thanks for watching me get frustrated in a garage for another year.

Song is ‘Shapeshifter’ by Hum. Buy it here!” – Brian Tunney

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Tags: Brian Tunney