
Brian Tunney is back with a fresh edit!

After his monthly videos these past few years, we were bummed when one didn’t come out in February, and then March rolled around and once again… No Brian Tunney video on the 1st that we had become so accustomed to seeing. Well, it looks like he’s going quarterly to make things better! Here’s a look at what he cooked up from his garage flatland sessions from January, February and March all in one!

Hi, I’m back. I had grand plans for this final video of my 40s, but instead I just decided to showcase my somewhat daily riding in the garage. I realize it’s been a few months since I last uploaded a video, but I’ve also felt less pressure after moving away from the post one video per month schedule. And this is the result: 26 things from inside the garage, ranging from undertaker to juggler with some slight tweaks and odd cancans to keep the ball moving forward.

Since the last video, I’ve:
1) Built up a new bike (S&M Dagger)
2) Went deep on invisible hand stuff
3) Rode in 40 degree weather
4) Listened to a lot of Jeff Parker EVA IVtet ‘Mondays at The Enfield Tennis Academy’

Go buy it right here!

I used side B of that improvised album here, because a lot of my riding feels much the same, just trying things and seeing if they’ll work. Some of it works, some of it doesn’t. The important thing, as I depart my 40s and enter into, gulp, my 50s, is that it’s still fun.

Good luck getting through 6 minutes and 52 seconds of footage, and thanks for attempting to watch!

*Also, some of these clips are actually from December 2023, but I left that out of the title so it wasn’t too complicated.” – Brian Tunney

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Tags: Brian Tunney