
Another month has flown by, and that means that it’s time for Brian Tunney to give us a look at what he got into during his sessions over the course of May! This one is more focused on a few clips versus a mix of a bunch of combos compared to his past videos, but it’s a real solid watch. Take a look!

This was a ‘clear out the idea book’ month before embarking on a new flatland journey in June. The circular half-hiker to elbow glide to invisible hand routine and all of its variations is endless, but I am getting a little tired of it, so here’s the last of it for a while. The first thing is a half-hiker holding the pedal instead of the seat and on the whiplash part, I gave the crank a back pedal and landed ankledeath. It’s one of the few times I wrote something down and it worked out just like I thought it would in 30 something years of bike riding. The rest is the odd ilk of one-handed switch elbow glides, invisible hands on the frame and hitchhikers.” – Brian Tunney

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Tags: Brian Tunney