
BSD have brought back their jam at Unit 23!

Just in time to celebrate a big milestone for Unit 23 Skatepark over in the U.K, BSD have brought back their annual jam to celebrate. Check out part one with just over 8 minutes of footage from the bowl contest, then get ready for more from the contest next week in part 2. You already know this is jam packed with wild riding you won’t want to miss! Check it out!

To celebrate 20 years of Unit23 Skatepark the BSD Jam made it’s long awaited return. Check out the highlights from the park and bowl jam and watch out for part two next week…

Kriss Kyle, Corey Walsh, Connor Mailey, Tom Russell, Reed Stark, Ben Towle, Chaz Mailey, Kieran McCarroll, Antonio Smallwood, Billy-Neil McVicar and lots more…

Shout-out to everyone who came to ride and spectate on the day. You all made it awesome!

Special thanks to the BSD Jam sponsors:
Odyssey / Sunday / GSport / Back Street Distribution / Source BMX / Dig BMX

Video by Dave Sowerby, Gav Hadden and Fred Murray.” – BSD

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