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Demolition Parts – Sea Level with Ryan “Biz” Jordan


It’s always a good day when Ryan “Biz” Jordan has a fresh BMX video to check out! Demolition Parts just released this new BMX video featuring Ryan getting down on or near the beach! This is packed with some great riding, unique spots and Mike Mastroni did a great job with the film work as always! Get on that play button and enjoy this BMX video already!

Biz felt like switching things up and went with a theme for his new Demolition Sea Level edit. Every clip was thought out beforehand, and is either on the beach or you can see the ocean in the background. Even though they were at some of SoCal’s most scenic beaches, finding spots with the ocean view wasn’t always that easy. Biz still came through with some hammers with an ocean view and all.

Filmed and edited by: Mike Mastroni
” – Demolition Parts

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