
Radio Bikes have added Ethan Schmitt to their line up here in the U.S through QBMX! So far, Ethan has dialed in a fresh new Nemesis setup decked out with Eclat parts to get things rolling. Ethan has been popping up more and more the past year or two and he’s definitely one rider to keep an eye out for. Stoked on this news.

What better way to start 2017 than a new addition to the crew? Today we welcome Minnesota-based street killer Ethan Schmitt to the worldwide team through the good people at QBP.

Ethan has been quietly shredding the streets of the Mid-West for a while now and we took notice. Riding an all Matt Black NEMESIS frame, fork and bar, look out for some footage from Ethan in a new winter project were working on which will be out in the near future…”

If you’re digging his setup, there is a Bike Check to go along with this news that you can check out right here.

Expect to see plenty more of Ethan in 2017!

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