
Fiend’s Canadian connect has a new one to check out!

After spending close to two years stacking clips, Greg Jean‘s new one for Fiend and OGC BMX has arrived. Hit play for grinds, huge wallrides and much, much more from spots around Quebec and Montreal! No shortage of heat to check out in this one!

This video was filmed through the year 2020 and 2021, a collaboration between me and long time homie Antoine Beaulieu (@barb_boss) . Cruising around, finding new spots, getting some clips, sometimes not, JUST DO YOU was brought to life after two years of laughs and blood. Filmed mostly in Quebec and Montreal.

Major thank you to OGCBMX, FIENDBMX and Mathieu Perfomance Bike Shop in Qc for keeping me rolling. Also everyone who follows and support HOTANDCOLDBRAND.
– Greg Jean

Song : Glen porter – Hang Em High / Acid King – Electric Machine ” – Greg Jean

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