Repost: Happy Days – Bruno Hoffmann In Barcelona


Now THIS is how you start your Friday off right! Freedom BMX just re-released their Happy Days BMX video featuring Bruno Hoffmann absolutely crushing the streets of Barcelona, Spain on Youtube! We figured that was more than enough for a repost. Watch as Bruno puts together grind combo after grind combo with just the right amount of freecoaster action on everything he touches. This is a must see without a doubt! Hit play and enjoy!

Filmed by Fernando Gomarin Olaiz, Timm Wiegmann and Oliver “Bub” Michel
Edited by Markus Wilke

As they say? Pro life is not easy. Where this saying is of course mostly meant ironically. to drive day in and day out the best spots in the world and in between the prize money from the last contest in the VIP area of ​​a hip clubs to: For times among us, how exhausting it can you please just be like to live paid permanent vacation in a kind, ie to hew head? Just!

But that is only one side of the coin, what you realize later than when you find yourself at the top of a large staircase again because the filmmaker believes your next edit would just need necessarily a “right” Banger. And “right” with here is “really dangerous” meant. That you, given the increased risk of injury not slept properly for days with excitement and runterbekommen for breakfast not eat, does not make things any easier. Especially since you’re actually already half way to Australia, where the next video project is already waiting for you. Yourself hurting right now, would be extremely unfavorable. And then there also still the whole passers which scurrying in the directions, which is why you had to already cancel out various tests. To make it short: Your nerves are on edge!

A threat of injury in mind, media and sponsor in the neck – in such a moment the life of a BMX pros really is no picnic. But if there is someone who is so ready, then Bruno Hoffmann. Because, no matter whether at a photo shoot or in the Contest arenas in the world – delivering Bruno has learned very early, even under great pressure. And so it rotates to the next moment with a smile on the rail. Outrageously clean land and parry are at this time a mere formality. It may be that the pro life is not always easy. But even then it can still look damn Bruno easy – just like in our video about his big interview in issue 123 (http: // …). Baba brutal!” – Markus Wilke

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