Over the past few weeks, Hoffman Bikes have been building up to their 25 year anniversary where they have been doing some interesting posts on their website about past team riders, products and really the brand as a whole. One post in particular that they just released caught our eye and will be one of those things that you BMX history nerds will love to see. Hoffman Bikes released a little write up and a bunch of photos of their Gack Hubs that were released in 1994 that featured the first 14mm axles. At this time, 3/8″ axles were standard on front and rear wheels and, needless to say, the increasing level of ramp and street riding was proving too heavy for them. Mat Hoffman and Kris Gack (who later went on to start his own brand “Gack“) worked together to develop the first BMX hubs that had 14mm axles that really changed the way BMX hubs and bikes were able to withstand the abusive riding.

There’s a great write up, along with a ton of awesome photos of the original designs, prototypes and final samples that you can check out over on the Hoffman Bikes website right here — 14mm Gack Hubs

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