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Matt Ray and Jiri Blabol Subrosa Street Rail Session


Matt Ray and Jiri Blabol put the Subrosa Street Rail to work!

Here’s a fresh one from Subrosa from a session Matt Ray and Jiri Blabol got in on a Subrosa Street Rail setup. As expected, both of these guys deliver plenty of hammers on the setup! Check out what they got into!

Subrosa pro rider Matt Ray and Jiri Blabol hook up an Extension Kit to a Subrosa Street Rail and take it to a B-Ball court for a heated afternoon session.

The Subrosa Street Rail can turn anywhere into a spot. Now you can add an extra 4 feet to your existing Street rail to create the perfect 12 foot long flat rail!

Find the Subrosa Street Rail and all the accessories at sparkys and Subrosa Dealers worldwide.

Filmed and Edited by Jona Jachan” – Subrosa

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