The sections from “Mediocre At Best II” are popping up online!
This past weekend the “Mediocre At Best 2” video that Bobby Kanode has been working on for a few years finally released! It looks like Bobby has been having the different sponsors for the riders in the video release the sections. So far we have found Zach Bearley, Clay Johnson and Robbie Owen‘s sections, but we would imagine the rest are going to be popping up. We’ll post them here as soon as they pop up! Until then, check out what’s online so far!
“We are extremely pleased and proud to bring you the brand new section from official Kink BMX AM Team Rider Zach Bearley! Fresh out of the editing room and premiered over the weekend in Phoenix, Arizona, the highly anticipated “Mediocre At Best II” video has been completed and Bobby Kanode hooked us up with the exclusive on the Zach part! Welcome to the team and congrats on the finished project. Look for Zach jumping in the van with the crew this year…
Shot/Edited by Bobby Kanode” – Kink
Clay Johnson
Robbie Owen