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Riding With Animal Bikes – 360 Virtual Reality Teaser


Note: Here’s the link to the video for those of you on a phone or need to switch browsers on desktop:

It’s only a matter of time before all of this new Virtual Reality stuff becomes super common and easy enough to use that everyone will start doing it. It looks like Animal Bikes are getting a jump on things thanks to a few friends with the know how on the whole VR craze kicking off. Hit play or a quick video teaser of what’s to come. This one will require you to scroll back a few times to take in everything going on, but it’s pretty cool.

We teamed up with our friends at, @Glennppmilligan and @andydreadsbmx to put together a new visual experience. This video gives you the feeling you would have if you were to hang out at a session with the Animal team.

On Tuesday, June 21st we are excited to share “Riding with Animal”. A 360 video experience featuring Edwin DeLarosa, Augie Simoncini, Andrew Castaneda, Brenden Tombow, Charles Littlejohn and Rocco Giuseppe.

Since this is kind of a new experience, we wanted to share this teaser clip, so people can get a better feel for how it all works. This clip is the guys warming up at a skate park before going to ride street.
You can watch this video on your desktop computer.

You will need to use your mouse to move around in the 360 environment. On your mobile device, you’ll need to have the YOUTUBE app for the video to work. It’s well worth the experience if you haven’t played with any 360 or VR video yet. If you have VR goggles then you already know how to use this, and this will work with them!”

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