
It’s not every day that we get a brand new Sean Burns video, but when one pops up, you know it’s going to be an absolute BANGER. Here’s his latest for Eclat that was filmed over the course of 2 years with Sean’s signature madman style of crazy gaps, roof drops and more that lead to getting hit by cars, a broken hand, sprained ankles, getting arrested, and breaking his spine. As expected, this is absolute madness that you’ll want to watch over and over again. Hit play and take in this MUST SEE!

Also, as many of you know, Sean had a serious crash that broke his back and required emergency surgery ( Sean Burns Spinal Surgery / Rehab Fund ). The other day he posted on Instagram showing he’s back on his feet and making some serious progress. Amazing considering there was a chance he wouldn’t walk again. Beyond stoked about that. Check out the Instagram post down below after you watch the video!

Don’t forget. If you can, check out Sean’s GoFundMe page for updates and to make a donation. We know things are tight for everyone right now, but anything helps. Even just sharing the link can do a ton!

BURNS! Filmed over the past two years, ECLAT PRO and BMX street legend Sean Burns comes through with a banger filled video part of leather-clad roof drops, high-speed gaps, and full-throttle madness. Sean, unfortunately, was injured during the process of filming this video, and although he’s made a remarkable recovery and is making extreme progress, he still needs our help with his medical bills and rehab support. A link to his go-fund me can be found here. All the love and support you can give Sean would be greatly appreciated. Burns truly is a man of steel and we cant wait to see him back on the steed and eyeing up the next deadman roof gap in the near future…

Filmed by Darryl Tocco, Lee Hopkins, Albie Bennett, Ryan Navazio, Josh Delarosa, Ryan Lamont, Jeremy Rodriguez, Dan Coller, Robby Nelson, Joyce Gomez
Edited by Sean Burns

Music – Pawns -Monuments Of Faith” – Eclat

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