Sosh Urban Motion 4 – Sullyvan Gaincetre X Vincent de la Rue


It’s always rad to see contests that give regular riders the opportunity to compete against the pros. The Sosh Urban Motion contest not only gives “regular” riders and filmers the opportunity to compete against the pros, but it also allows them to really get noticed. This year, Sullyvan Gaincetre and Vincent de la Rue came out swinging for their opportunity and ended up taking home 2nd place in the contest. This is pretty wild since they beat out some well known pro riders and filmers. What’s crazier is that Sullyvan doesn’t have ANY sponsors. We have a feeling that will be changing real soon.

They had missed the cut last year and had sworn not to make the same mistake this year. After a solid victory in the contest Wild Card, Sullyvan & Vincent surprised us with a video to achieving mastered and mature riding that enabled them to clinch 2nd place, the best place for a Wild Card team since the Sosh Urban Motion. We bet that this place will put a little more light on Sullyvan, already one of the best French riders street, yet no sponsor.

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