The Subrosa Street Rail has been making appearances all over the world and it doesn’t appear to be slowing down any time soon. Tom Schorb-Mergenthaler and Janek Wentzky threw a Street Rail Jam in a few different spots around Frankfurt, Germany recently and there was a huge turn out. Check out highlights from Tom, Bruno Hoffmann, Fernando Laczko, Daniel Tunte, Daniel Portorreal and more who all threw down throughout the day until it got too dark to ride!
“The Subrosa Street Rail Jam to the Tom Schorb-Mergenthaler and Janek Wentzky had invited the end of September to Frankfurt, although located quite a while back, but as the recordings are of them only arrived a few days ago with us, the accompanying video is only now finished. So be it, sunny recordings come in winter and perhaps even better than in the summer when you yourself all day already is out. And besides, we wanted you the clips of Bruno Hoffmann, Daniel Tünte, Tom Schorb-Mergenthaler and the rest of the gang withheld under any circumstances, because there what was in FFM … Treat yourself, Brudi!” – Freedom BMX
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