Here’s a rad one from a rider we aren’t too familiar with! Freedom BMX dropped this BMX video featuring Josue Castillo cruising street spots and trails down in Mexico City! This has solid riding from start to finish with a good mix of tricks. Take a look!
“Check out this submission by the homie Josue “Kokin” Castillo from Mexico City. Josue considers himself a transition rider, but for this project he stepped outside of his comfort zone and took it to the streets. While filming for this video, Josue did not only have to battle injuries, lockdown restrictions and mental scares, but he was also robbed of his laptop and hard drive one night, meaning he had to film some of the clips again, that he had already stacked. Fortunately he ended up getting better stuff, so it all worked out for the best. Job well done, Josue! And also big-up to his girlfriend Natalia Solis for filming the whole thing!
Film: Natalia Solis/
Edit: Josue Castillo / @ kokincastillo” – Freedom BMX