The Head Angle is back after a little hiatus, and they’re back with a banger. This time around Matt Holmes and Tom Boorman sat down with the one and only Eddie Fiola for an interview! This one takes on a lot of history and stories that you won’t want to miss out on! Eddie does not disappoint with this one! Hit play and give it a listen!

There aren’t many who have stood at the top of a generation of riders, untouchable for their unmatchable style, progressive riding and wins in competition. Names like Hoffman, Mirra, Aitken and Reynolds spring to mind. Yet before them, one name defined freestyle in its infancy, possibly more than anyone will ever do again. We were stoked and more than a little humbled to sit down with one of the greatest.

Eddie Fiola

From his early days in the burgeoning Californian concrete skatepark scene back in the early 80’s, Eddie’s ride into the history books of BMX is more than well documented with endless covers on the likes of Freestylin’, video parts and tours around the world showcasing his ability to blast the hell out of anything and look stylier than anyone doing it. Far from just a rider, his ability to market himself to the world meant he could make a career out of BMX, a well paid one at that and one that saw him step beyond the BMX industry and onto the big screen, a move that has seen him part of more than a few Hollywood productions since the seminal BMX flick ‘RAD’.

Kick back and take in this podcast we’re more than a little proud of with the one and only, the Flying Banana, Eddie Fiola.

Talking to the past, present and future of BMX in Australia.

The Head Angle is an Australian BMX Podcast hosted by Tom Boorman & Matt Holmes.

Shot & Cut by John Young” – The Head Angle

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