Ronnie Bonner sat down for an interview on the Unclicked Podcast!
The latest round of the Unclicked Podcast has arrived. This time around they have the one and only Ronnie Bonner on the show. Ronnie has so much going on in the BMX industry, and so much history as well. This covers a ton of ground over 3 and a half hours of time, so get on that play button and enjoy!
“Ron Bonner is in the building! Well, Kind of. Ronnie is joining us via Zoom from his home office in FLA. If you are not familiar, Ronnie is the man behind Sparky’s, which houses brands like Shadow, and Subrosa. He also started UGP in 1986, one of the first multi-sport apparel companies, and has over 30 years in the BMX industry making things happen. In this episode of the Unclicked podcast, We discuss the recent Sparky’s, and Source BMX merger, product innovation, the current state of the BMX industry, and Ronnie’s recent cancer diagnosis. Hit play and get to know Ronnie…
Thanks to Oskar Blues, and Source BMX, for supporting the Unclicked Podcast! /
Ryan Fudger: / fyanrudger
Denis Enarson: / dennisenarson
Ronnie Bonner: / ronniebonner
0:00 – Ronnie Bonner
11:00 – Health Update
23:00 – Legacy of Brands
1:43:00 – Product innovation
2:03:00 – Subrosa / Shadow
2:28:00 – Business
2:42:00 – Source Merger
3:49:00 – Relationships” – Our BMX