Categories: events

Frostbike 2016 – Eclat BMX



Next up, we made our way over to the Eclat to see what Harry and Paul were up to, and to take a closer look at what they had on display at Frostbike 2016. As expected they had plenty to see, so let’s get into this and take a closer look! Funny story… The photo above took a couple tries to get just right, haha.


The Alex Kennedy signature AK pedal.

The Alex Kennedy signature AK sprocket with the removable guard that is in the works.

The Bruno Hoffmann signature Bruno grips that are available now.

The OZ Pivotal seat in desert camouflage and black

The new Tripod seat that Eclat are working on with their new pan. This isn’t the final version of the foam, so expect it to look slightly different.

The Coda fork is one of Eclat’s new additions for 2016.

The Cortex freecoaster for you guys looking to go backward.

The Dynamic front hub.

Pulse hubs!

Headset action.

The Maverick crank looking beefy.

For those of you looking for plastic pegs. Eclat have a gum version for those of you looking for something than the standard black.

The new Bruno Hoffmann signature Predator tire that will be hitting BMX shops and mail-orders soon.

Here’s a sneak peek look at their new Raven rim that is in the works. Not a ton of details on these just yet, but they look clean.

The RS sprocket.

The Sniper lever for those of you who like to stop without jamming your shoe into your tire.

Spokes. We forgot to ask, but it looks like these rainbow spokes could be a new addition. Titanium?

So, that wraps things up at the Eclat booth. As we mentioned at the start, these guys always have something new cooking to see! Check out more from Frostbike 2016!

We want to hear from you! Let us know what you think in the comments below!


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