The day started off with me having a tattoo appointment,I called up the Party Steve’s to see if they wanted to roll with me to the tattoo shop down in La Jolla.After deciding not to handle our new apartment deposit,they hopped in my luxury sedan and we made our way down to the shop,all of course while listening to br00tz……
We arrived at the tattoo shop only to sit around and have a proper burrito session before my tattoo was to begin,Kerr was looking cute.It was all in good fun but the rot factor for the Steve’s was high,they dabbled in boredom and conversation while waiting for my dumbass to get tattooed.Its completely off the subject but Steve Kerr and I have some prime Brad Neely tattoos that we plan on sending to Super Deluxe soon.If it isn’t your turn to get tattooed when you’re at La Jolla tattoo and you decide to go with for the session,its going to be a long day for you…After being there for about 5 hours the deed was done,I have a new piece of work going on my left shin and I’m getting more and more stoked on sleeving that there leg.So we peace out of the tattoo shop and head back up to North County to make it to the Vans store just before it closed,so we could get my boy Nich some new shoes.Nich is an awesome dude and I’ve known him since the high school days when he was called “Peen” by fellow peers,now hes a tattoo artist and he’s always down to get something going on you for a good price.Don’t mind that shameless plug for Nich,I’m sure when you come to visit San Diego the first thing on your mind will be getting tattooed…
So the new shoes are acquired and we start to head back to the old San Marcos apartment but not before stopping at Subway to feed myself with a meal from the sandwich gods…After consuming my delicious meal with over 4 kinds of meat,we started a back biking session in the living room.California weather is usually the best all around but the past couple weeks we’ve had some weird rainy weather with abnormal wind gusts.These wind gusts could potentially blow your sandwich right the fuck out your hand,now this didn’t happen but I’m sure in this situation I would’ve fallen to my knees with regrets.During our shred session in the living room,we started getting bored so we decided to hit up Fudger.Fudger notified us of a good time in L.A., a 41 thermal birthday of sorts…After some deliberation we decided to drive up to L.A. for Jim Bauer’s birthday extravaganza,keep in mind that it was 10:30 PM and Los Angeles is about 2 hours from San Diego…We leave our apartment at 10:30 and drive to Fudger’s so he can drive our asses up to to victory in the Sentra.It was probably one of the worst nights to be partaking in a two hour drive,the weather was shit,it was raining men,the roads were slick as dicks,visibility was minimal and the wind played a good factor in all that as well.Also,when it rains,most people lose their ability to safely drive their vehicle,so they tend to drive like complete shitbags.So take that all into account as we make our way up to the birthday bash in L.A…
Just so turns out that we had good luck with our drive and we arrived before any of our estimated times,an hour and a half passed and we parked the Sentra.I walk my way into the house with The Steves and Fudger where I’m quickly greeted by a big,bearded man that goes by the name of B-Dubbs.Shortly after greeting B-Dubbs,I found myself a Jim Bauer,41 Thermal master himself in all his glory.The party was a chill get together of sorts with some good people,good food with edge and non-edge beverages catered to all.I was conversing with Jim and Mike Ardelean about the consumption of what Mike calls “swine”,otherwise known as pork,when Smiley Man Steve came upon this little breaded gem…Mike Ardelean is a Vegan master that frowns upon me and my consumption of various meats on a normal basis.Its okay though because Mike is good dude with a good history…Wait,THIS is good history,this was noted upon during a conversation with Jim.I would advise you to Google image search the name Mike Ardelean.Shit yeah.Later during the party,I came up on this bucket of chicken,I then continued to session the bucket as I conversed with everyone.So I blast into the straight edge delights while Steve’s take on some fancy beer,the caps on those fancy beers were giving them a hard time.It was definitely the shitty bottle opener they were using…After finally opening the bottle,Jim takes a hold of the bottle opener,gives it a good look over and says “This shit isn’t 41 Thermal”…Thus being the reason as to why it wasn’t opening beverages properly…
So the night progressed,I met new people and hung out with some of my good friends,all while we watched a dvd of Jim Bauer’s greatest hits.It was a photo/video collaboration of Jim growing up,shredding bikes,rocking groundbreaking haircuts and some clips of the movie RAD in there to top of this glorious dvd.I saw every imaginable haircut,phase and or event that a person goes through in his first 30 years of life.I took notes on all the styles that Jim dabbled in throughout his childhood and teen years,I’ll just say that the notes were plenty.That dvd looped on the tv the entire night and we all had good laughs and rejoiced at Jim’s expense.During the night that movie was rolling, you could find Jim saying “Fuck you guys,you all have pictures like this” and other solid quotes of that nature.Mike and I traded phones for a bit and we spent some time tooling with and talking about each others business devices.Mike claims his Wackberry is way ahead of the game,beating out Sidekicks,I took notes and at the end of the night I agreed with this dude wearing a jump suit.
The party was nothing but a good time and all the people there were awesome,thanks to Jim for the good time and thanks to Fudger for driving and putting up with Steve Kennedy and I.I’m just gonna say that I started ranting on about how awesome dolphins are,Smilin’ Steve agreed and we took it to a level that is unspeakable,unless you want to know.To end this story,dolphins have 3 priorities,those priorities are…
3.Lookin’ Stylish
This guy was either born retarded or is greatly misinformed,this video is mildly entertaining but this is an ignorant man plain and simple.You can’t choke out a dolphin,he’ll just slip out of the hold and kick your ass…