The contest was held yesterday, yes the contest I have blabbing about for the last two months. It went off without a hitch, tons of people came, and from the general reaction I got from everyone it was a good time. A few things happened, a few things didn’t. The contest was basically winging it just because I had no idea how many people were coming, but in the end at one point there was over 100 people packed into the park.

Click the Read More for the rest of the pictures and Results.
So I packed up the S.U.V with my buddy Alex and got ready to hit the road about 10 a.m, it is an hour drive to get to the park.

So we got to the park and got some stickers and banners put up around the park, thanks to Tim, Chris, Dustin, and Mike for mopping and sweeping as we got there, made life a lot easier.

So after that the doors opened up at noon and there was 20 people there within the next 15 minutes so that was cool, I was really stoked on that. As time went on by 2:30 when the contest finally got underway after waiting out a bit for a few car loads of dudes who had called. I didn’t take a whole lot of pictures, and didn’t get any good riding shots. However, I will have a photo update from the Tristan Thiel and the other photographer guy who was there once I get those.
Also my buddy Seth had filmed the contest, and then Mike was also filming so there will be two videos.

Mike with the camera
A big thanks goes to Jay and Deljon for running the mic all day! Jay is amazing when it comes to doing announcing for stuff, and Deljon made it awesome too. I couldn’t have done it without those dudes.

I didn’t have any plans for judges when I got there, I mean obviously that was on my mind, we managed to talk Brandon Morcomb, Dustin Griess, and Bink into juding the beginner and intermediate class. Then I didn’t know the other 3 guys, I know one guy was from Wisconsin and I think the other two guys were on Team Iowa, I lost my sheet of names so I am sorry about that, but big thanks to you guys too!
Before the contest started I had got to tossing a few prizes, there was a pair of Beloe’s in a size 9 I had got from Brian Osborne, so I figured get all the size 9 people up in for a big game of Rock Paper Scissors, and it was pretty awesome, Little Caleb rocked dominated everyone and won some shoes for his dad Todd who rides and is a size 9 ironically. Father son team work! Will be video footage of this.

Beginner class kids, 1st- Colton (red) 2nd- Caleb (blue) 3rd- Tyler (grey)
After this I didn’t get much for group shots, I know Tristan did so don’t worry.

That was some of the Intermediate guys, then that was some of the prizes, I had 15 bags of prizes.
I don’t have the results for the intermediate class due to me losing the sheet somewhere. The results should turn up on Renegade’s website soon enough. At least top 3 that is.
We had a silent contest I came up with. I had recieved some Slam Bars from S&M and whoever took the biggest crash got the bars. Andy, I don’t have his last name but he came with Grant Castelluzzo ruben rode a wall out of a quarter and went flying into a ledge and took about a 6 foot drop to flat and got beefed, he was all right but I awarded him the Slam of the day award with those bars. He was stoked I think. I believe there will be video footage of that.
1st place expert got $100, $35 gift certificate to Albes, a 1 year Subscription to Ride BMX, and a gift card to To Die For’s Online store.
Dustin Griess got 1st
2nd place got $60, $35 gift certificate to Albes, a 1 year Subscription to Ride BMX, and a gift card to To Die For’s Online store.
Bink got 2nd
3rd place got $40, a 1 year Subscription to Ride BMX, and a gift card to To Die For’s Online store.
Aj Haines got 3rd
After that I still had a WHOLE crap load of stuff to give out, I was so pumped on the sponsors hooking it up big. I got a huge group of kids and dumped shirts, stickers, grips, a sprocket got thrown into the group, and just a whole bunch of stuff, the kids were stoked. I didn’t snap a picture because my hands were full throwing stuff.
Then Deljon got an idea, put some prizes on the box jump and play red light green light.. Ya know, go when I say, stop when I say, first one there wins. Well… it got rough..

I heard somebody got head butted, Tristan man aped and ran in with all his camera gear.. yeah over $1500 of camera gear around his neck and he jumped in, what a nutter.
After that there was footdown, I forgot to snap a photo, but I don’t remember who won, but I do recall it being halarious and people got jacked, I know Tyler (one of the kids in the beginner class) went head first into the padded pole and Wyatt (seein in the 2nd to last photos with the tattoos) rocked Dustin Griess haha. It was awesome. Winner got I don’t even remember.
There was also a “who can go the highest on the vert wall” contest, Tristan did a double hand plant slap on the very top, and tumbled down to his ass, he was okay but the video footage of it is wild. Wyatt actually won it by airing out, this vert wall is about 20 feet tall, and has about 3 feet of transition, think about that.
You will see it in the video I am sure.
So overall the contest was super fun, the turn out was GREAT, and everyone seemed to have a lot of fun, big shout out to Grant Castelluzzo and Andy coming out from Millwaukee, and that one dude from Chicago, dudes from Team Iowa, Mike Porter (I remember your name now haha)and just everyone else who made the trip I know the majority of us had to drive at least an hour to come to it.
Big thanks to all the sponsors!
Give D,The Take,Monster, Standard, Fit, DK, Alienation, Beloe Shoes, BMXinvasion,, The Come Up, Ride BMX ,Hell On Earth,S&M,UGP,Albes, To Die For