As I write this, I am back in Minnesota. After the flight, drive back, and unpacking, I had a chance to upload the rest of the photos from the last two days. It was funny when the whole reason I went on this trip hit me. If I never started BMX union, there is a good chance I would have never met Alex since we did the interviews. If I hadn’t met him (or Kyle Carlson) I never would have had the motivation to try and go to Interbike. Because of Interbike, Alex invited me out to San Diego. I hope that chain makes some sense. My point is that because of BMX and this site I have had the chance to do some really kickass things so far. This trip was awesome and I am stoked I had the chance to go on it. Here are some photos from the last two days.

I had never been to the ocean before. It sucks living in the middle of the country because you see a lot of lakes and rivers, but nothing compared to the ocean. I took a whole bunch of pictures, and got Kosman to snap a few of me. For a cheap little camera the photos turned out pretty good too!

This would probably qualify as “hyper gay”. I was too lazy to photoshop this into a sequence type thing. That would be myself sprinting into a big group of birds. It was funny at the time.

After that we hit up Clairemont to ride for a few hours. A bunch of locals and Gary were there so that was a lot of fun. Some of the kids that ride there everyday ride like champs. I wish I had that park and weather to ride everyday.

After riding Alex and I met up with his good friend Andy for some Robertitos. If you have been following my posts about this trip you would realize we ate there pretty much everyday. Real good.

After the food we went to a smaller get together with some of the Give D! crew. It was super chill… until some of the girls got a little too rowdy. Before we knew it there was a battle royal between the girl who owned the house and one of the girls there for the party. It was pretty awesome to see since chick fights are always the best. This one got gnarly with some body slams and blood. That was the ender to the night and that worked for me.

Today was a fairly uneventful day. It was funny because the day I leave John Ludwick, Bill P, and a dude named Mario all flew in. So, we spent time around the airport until I had to go.

This would be what I do when I get bored. I snap photos of myself sitting at the airport waiting to get on the plane.
After that, I flew back to the frozen tundra known as Minnesota. I went from upper 70’s to about 8 degrees. Ouch. I would probably still be there if my classes at college didn’t start on Monday or have to work. haha. That would be my trip though. Until next time.
I would like to thank Alex for giving me a place to stay and driving me all over the place with him. Kosman for the laughs and free Red Bull, Kyle, Ron, Hoang, Gary, Ohio, Nick, Chris and the rest of the Give D! crew, Vince Kroff, Andy, John Peacy, and all the other dudes who were around in the 6 days I spent down there. They made it awesome.